Feet Of Iron Mixed With Clay

Governments all around the world right now seem more insecure than usual. Some countries have jail sentences of fifteen or twenty years simply for sending text messages that are deemed to be hostile to the nation’s rulers. And this in a supposed democracy! Other nations that claim to be defenders of freedom of speech are looking to pass laws that give governments the right to immediately shut down websites deemed to violate copyrights, or whatever other priorities those governments have. Other nations have made it a crime to speak out against sins like homosexuality, showing themselves far more intolerant than the most intolerant of moralists. Everywhere one turns it seems like freedoms are being eroded in the name of safety, not for ordinary people but for insecure regimes. Regimes are feeling fragile and so they are taking out their insecurities on their own people, especially those brave or foolish enough to speak out against the corruption and decadence of their societies.

Why do governments feel so insecure that they strike back on those who are most concerned with turning around the stampede for destruction that is going on in our world? For one, it is a bad time to be a dictator. Nations like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen (and maybe Syria in the near future) have lost their leaders because of uprisings, many of them supported by the West. Other nations, like Sudan, have had their nations torn in half via separatist movements also supported by the West, showing regimes that if they want to keep their resources and their restive populations, they have to toe the line. Understandably, this makes leaders a little jumpy, afraid to let mobs feel their power, when even the most powerful nations of the world like the United States and China are having their governments challenged by hostile mobs.

Nor are the governments of Western nations any more stable. Greece and Italy are currently governed by unelected technocrats whose job is to guide their debt-ridden nations between the scylla of mobs hostile at the loss of any entitlement programs and the charybdis of (largely German) lenders who demand harsh austerity measures to keep reduce debt that has climbed to unsustainable levels. A lot of nations are scarcely better off, with the same tension between the need to be elected by people who are becoming increasingly dependent on entitlements and the purpose of sustainability when those entitlements are bankrupting nations all over the world. But because our world’s nations are led by a bunch of cowardly politicians instead of statesmen they all play kick the can to delay judgment as long as possible, unwilling to face the wrath of the people.

And so the nations of the world are iron mixed with clay. These states are iron because they are becoming increasingly harsh and stringent against their own people, trying to disarm them rhetorically (by internet censorship), as well as literally (through stringent gun control) in many places. They are iron as well because of their quick trigger on military actions in places of the world (like Libya and Syria) where no direct interest is revealed, even in some cases where supposed anti-war governments engage in military action contrary to law by refusing to bring them up for a vote in front of the relevant legislative bodies. Such actions are clearly demonstrative of a foot of iron stomping on the rights of the people.

On the other hand these nations clearly also have feet of clay. They have feet of clay because their legitimacy is lacking because of corruption and the inability to maintain governing coalitions due to the many pressures they are under. They have feet of clay because their demography is declining, their populations are aging, and many of their people are dependent on government largesse from increasingly irate and debt-ridden taxpayers. Everyone is behaving unsustainably, and so the day of reckoning appears very close, with governments taking delaying actions rather than trying to deal with the reality of the situation here and now, while it may be possible to manage without immensely tragic results.

And so our governments are iron mixed with clay, both harsh and tyrannical but also fragile and insecure, building castles of lies and filling their people up with the audacity of false hope because the truth is too painful to bear for a politician to receive the necessary support to remain in office from a people that claims to be fed up with government incompetence but appears unwilling to admit their own share of the blame. For we cannot merely point the finger at others. We too have run up unsustainable debts. We too have shown ourselves to be hard hearted toward our own flesh and blood and brethren in the Spirit rather than be generous as God has commanded–and these in relatively good times. What will we do in the bad times, seeing that we are already so deeply divided and so hostile against each other?

But let us remember the end of the story. Daniel 2:34-35, 41-45 tells us that the Kingdom of God, a stone cut without hands, will shatter the statue at the toes of iron mixed with clay and will destroy the corrupt kingdoms of man and put in their place an incorruptible godly kingdom to rule for all time. Let us be found worthy of entering and ruling in that kingdom so that we are not ground up with the images of mankind’s idolatrous and wicked regimes. For the time will come when we have to choose once and for all where we stand, and who is our Lord and King. May we be ready when it comes.

About nathanalbright

I'm a person with diverse interests who loves to read. If you want to know something about me, just ask.
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15 Responses to Feet Of Iron Mixed With Clay

  1. I could not agree with you any more than I do. Wow! That was powerful Nathan and true in that we can see clearly everything that you are saying and that how it relates to scripture. If the general public, governments, corporate elite, and the religious right cannot, or will not recognise that God represents all that we can know to understand “common sense” and become willing to call for and establish a time of forgiveness as is prescribed in scripture, then for sure the end will come faster than can be expected and if it comes in such a violent fashion then we are doomed. To remind some that it is stated in scripture that the day of judgement can be delayed but it is up to us. I know a little about the second law of thermodynamics and that it is argued that there cannot be any violation of it, however, I believe that there can be a slowing of entropy and this I believe is in line with God delaying judgement day in order than all be saved. I say always “may God forgive me” but our relationship with God can be compared to that of a parent child relarionship where the parent does all that he can to bring about his childrens adherence to common sense, a parent can and will do this until a time when the child or children have grown into adulthood and then must take “full” responsibility as they were cautioned for so many years during their youth.

    • That is a big part, certainly. I am not interested at all in speculation about dates and times–I am far more concerned about trends and patterns of behavior, and there is much that is troubling about the state of our world, especially given the widespread need (and lack of inclination) for forgiveness and repentance.

  2. When I talk to some people about my work they say that it is just “common sense”, and I laugh and say, “yeah, how about that. It is strange that someone had to formulate a theory of “common sense” to make some people stand up and recognise just how much humanity has disregarded it, or as the saying goes, “common sense has been tossed out the window.”
    Whenever a thing has reached a point of mass density, one of two things must occur, a war, or a forgiving, as in a fore-giving.

    • Indeed, we’re at the point now where there must be war or forgiving in our country and we’re not the only country that faces that reality. Being moderately pessimistic about humanity in general, I think that war is more likely. That said, I agree that it takes a great deal of work to uncover “common sense” given its rarity in our absurd world.

  3. This is why it is paramount that theory of bio-psychodynamics makes its way to the “common” people. Ask yourself if it is the common people who want war or is it them that rule over us as it is that the “common people” are the ones who actually fight the war while them that rule over design the war from within their safe places. There are not enough William Wallaces'[1] alive today, and the reason for this is that the common person has been beaten down to the point of thinking of an individual can do nothing. There are many other factors as to why this is but I will not mention them here at this point. The governments know that the people are becoming restless and that it will result in social upheavel and discord leading to anarchy. The frightening point to this is that it can be seen as a type of population control. We are after all the “disposable masses”.
    I will supply a bit of what I have discovered along my way, and I hope that it causes some people to become motivated to “think” for themselves a bit more.

    Humans are absurd sentient beings of implied essence and inference, presently Operating, and acting out of a diminished ability to infer meaning, or intent. Crant 2011[2]

    “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back– Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” William Hutchison Murray. The Scottish Himalayan Expedition, (1951), p. 6

    “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us ‘universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein

    “We found the biggest drop in empathy after the year 2000,” said Sara Konrath, a researcher at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research.

    My actual research of the human condition began around 1997, after my first real discovery that I had made led me to find and realize my primer of theory, and, it came to me as I was reading about the Crusades where I happen to come upon a term or a phrase, “the carpenter’s rule”.

    “Doing nothing without the rule”

    Persius, Sat. v. 119; Cicero, de Fin. Iii, 17; Antoninus, ii 16 [3]

    [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wallace
    [2] http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/crants-unified-theory-of-cognition-1987-2011/18692725
    [3] http://www.editnse.org/resources/PREEVIEW.pdf

    • I agree that it is important to reach ordinary people. I’m certainly not the most accessible of writers myself, and marketing is not a particular strength of mine. Nonetheless, those who have something to gain from hope and understanding and nothing to lose by rejecting fashionable errors (for they are not the ones who profit from the rackets and corruption) are the best ones to actually make the decision. Even if they do, though, elites will long reject it until they are replaced. All of that takes time. If you want to see how ugly elites get about their worldviews being rejected, look at the evolution-inteligent design-creationism debate. Almost 90% of the American public rejects neo-Darwinian Evolution, but you’d never know it by the science magazines, or by their arguments that continually deny that there is a problem with their mistaken notions, and this some twenty five years after Intelligent Design got started with several groundbreaking works. It takes a lot of time and a lot of resources to wage cultural warfare.

  4. It only takes one match to start a forest fire in less than a few seconds.

    The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. – M. Scott Peck

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…. Your playing small does not serve the world…. We are born to make manifest the glory of God within us….. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. We are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”Nelson Mandela 1984

    • The sort of fires that theories burn are slow burning ones. Again, the question is time. ID has been blazing for twenty-five years with no sign of finishing. It took the heliocentric theory of the solar system a century to be experimentally verified. Given my interest in paradigm shifts and science studies, it’s my job to be rational about the length of time and hostility of the defenders of the status quo, to avoid any sort of irrational exuberance.

  5. Intelligent design has merely served to confuse the common people and as well the heliocentric theory of the solar system.
    I have divulged only a small portion of this research thus far, and you are one of many to have realized its value in a short time[1].
    Your input [2] [3] [4] already has made it much easier for me to explain it to the “common people”. I believe that it won’t be very long before the common people begin to ask for more information and then demand answers from the mental health communities to validate it or falsify it.
    I can say this much that I have been researching and talking about this for twenty five years only to hear people say that it makes an inceredible amount of common sense and that they want to hear more. They will and very soon. [5]

    [1] https://edgeinducedcohesion.wordpress.com/2011/12/23/better-now/
    [2] https://edgeinducedcohesion.wordpress.com/2011/07/27/on-the-science-of-the-mind/
    [3] https://edgeinducedcohesion.wordpress.com/2011/08/07/on-the-process-of-mental-thermodynamics/
    [4] https://edgeinducedcohesion.wordpress.com/2011/08/28/on-the-implications-of-causality-in-mental-trauma/
    [5] http://www.psychsupport.com/questions/897/can-depression-be-cured-forever

    • I don’t think Intelligent Design is that confusing at all, but I’m not a “common person.” Compared to all of the elaborations on the Ptolemeic system, it’s not like the heliocentric theory was all that complicated either. Indeed, I hope it works out as easily as you think, but the easy part is at the beginning. Once an idea gets traction and some experimental support, that’s when the hard part comes, because then the status quo is under attack. If you are lucky you get to see that stage in person, because it means you’re winning.

  6. I don’t consider winning to be a part of this work as much as I am merely searching for the truth and some relief to my own suffering, this is something in common with the major majority. Humanity “is” suffering and this includes our leaders as they are also human and must feel the same as many of us in that they need some relief from emotional distress and also they could use a little forgiveness at this point. We are a species which does make us a family of sorts, the problem is that many have been discouraged to the point of forgetting that we are a “human” family.

    • Indeed, humanity is suffering, but for though I believe that individuals could easily find relief with your theories as you have written them now, for it to become a wider phenomenon would very seriously question established theories and interests and would therefore become part of a larger struggle. People tend to be very possessive with their power and authority and respected positions, and not inclined to give them up or change their mindset easily. We could all use forgiveness–whether we give it or seek it is a different question altogether.

  7. theyenguy says:

    The debt based money system known as fiat money, defined as the mandates of the Banker Regime, was designed for investment gain, was used throughout the world community, was widely accepted in payment for goods and services, and in discharge of obligations; served as a measure of value, and was a storehouse of value.

    Fiat money came to an end on May 13, 2014, with the failure of credit, that is trust in the world central banks to provide stimulus for continued investment gains and global economic growth, as evidenced by the trade lower in the Euro, FXE, and the British Pound Sterling, FXB, and the trade lower in Italy, EWI, and Italy’s Debt, ITLY, reflecting the investor’s fear that the monetary policies of the world central banks had crossed the rubicon of sound monetary policy and made “money good” investments bad.

    CNBC reports European Bonds Signaling Trouble? The quick move higher in the yields of Europe’s weakest sovereigns from historic lows may be just the beginning and on the edges it could start to affect other low-rated credits where investors have hunted for yield, such as US Junk Bonds.

    It was the quick move higher in Italy’s Sovereign Yield that caused Italy, EWI, to trade strongly lower.

    The new debt based money system, known as diktat money, commenced as peak moral hazard wealth was obtained, reflected in Aggregate Credit, AGG, Major World Currencies, DBV, and Emerging Market Currencies, CEW, topping out in value; and World Stocks, VT, Nation Investment, EFA, Small Cap Nation Investment, SCZ, Dividends Excluding Financials, DTN, trading lower in value.

    As foretold in Revelation 13:1-4, diktat money has its origins out of waves of Club Med, read PIGS, sovereign, banking, and corporate insolvency.

    Diktat money is defined as the mandates of the Beast Regime, specifically regional fascist leaders; it is designed to establish regional security, stability, and sustainability, and is centered around regional framework agreements, as leaders meet in summits, to renounce national sovereignty and announce regional pooled sovereignty as is seen in the Zero Hedge report The Birth Of Eurasia – Russia & China Do Pipelineistan. And Bloomberg reports Russia, China Sign $400B Gas Deal After Decade of Talks.

    The end of empire has commenced. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the US Dollar as the International Reserve Currency and the beginning of US Dollar Hegemony. This is fulfillment of the Statue of Empires Bible prophecy as foretold in Daniel 2:25-45, where the last of the two global superpowers, that is the US Dollar Hegemonic Empire, and the British Empire, dissolve away; and in their place the Ten Toed Kingdom, with toes of iron diktat and clay totalitarian collectivism, rises to rule the world; this monster is the same as the Beast Regime of Revelation 13:1-4, which rules in diktat in each of the world’s ten regions and occupies in all of mankind’s seven institutions. When it is though ruling it will have utterly destroyed all fiat money and fiat wealth as foretold in Daniel 7:7.

    The Beast Regime will be very much a type of Revived Roman Empire, in that it has Latin speaking roots and will have a European ruler, as is seen in Revelation 13:5-10, much like Charlemagne, who will eventually rise to rule the rule the entire world from Jerusalem as is foretold in Daniel 9:25-27.

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